do it yourself divas: DIY: Thrifted Lamps Transformed

DIY: Thrifted Lamps Transformed

2:55 PM

I am totally addicted to going to my local thrift store.  I seriously have to limit myself to only going  couple times a month. While visiting last time, I was lucky enough to be there while they were bringing out their latest second hand goods to the floor.  My heart be still....  As the carts of treasures were being rolled out I saw three shiny bronze lamps, that were surely from the 80's.  Two were a matching set and the third was a lonely, but oh so lovely situation.  None of them had lamps shades.  This didn't phase me.  I knew that I could do wonders with these bad boys for I had done it before.

 You can see the actual tutorial HERE from yesteryear.  Any color of spray paint will be your best friend for this project.

I was so excited about this find that I didn't even take before pictures of my new/old lamps.  The picture above is from my last lamp project, but gives you a perfect representation of what the lamps looked like before I had my way with them.

I found the lamp shades at Ross Dress For Less for about $6 a piece.

And for your viewing pleasure a few pictures of my newest thrift store finds totally transformed.


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  1. They look great! What kind of spray paint do you recommend? Flat, semi gloss, gloss?

  2. @WAydinyan - I recommend gloss. It looks fabulous when finished! Thanks for the sweet comment!

  3. What a difference a little spray paint and new lamp shades can make!
