do it yourself divas: DIY: Barstools Makeover

DIY: Barstools Makeover

12:43 PM

Am I obsessed with spray paint right now? Yes... just a bit. My mom got these barstools at a garage sale for cheapo. We love the style of the chairs but we weren't digging the color so we decided to change them up. It was easy! This is how you spray paint barstools...

You need:
A can of primer
A can of semi-gloss white paint
A can of clear gloss. This seals it all up so the paint won't chip away.

We used one can of each of these per chair. But I'm sure you can spray more conservatively than we did and make one can go further.

The chair before

Hello mom!

More during.

And After!

Gotta love them! I would much rather spray paint intricate things like this than paint them by hand. It was really fast too. We just had to wait for each layer to dry in between sprays.


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  1. if the chair is stripped & sanded would the new paint last longer?
