do it yourself divas: DIY: Shirt

DIY: Shirt

12:54 PM

I whipped up this shirt the other day. This was the first shirt I made without using a pattern. Since I thought it wouldn't work, I didn't document the experience. I totally should have because it worked!! Okay, I know it's not perfect but I am proud of it.

I had to make it a V-Neck because I was having trouble making a round neck since I was using Jersey-knit fabric rather than ribbing. Curves can be tricky for me. I still need to figure out how to make then lay right. Thus, the back of the shirt has straight lines too rather than curves. I actually like not having the standard curved neck and back lines.


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  1. awesome!! super super cute! how did your hair get so long??

  2. This was actually pre-baby. I had way long hair!
