DIY: Crockpot All Natural Air Fresheners

1:00 PM

Ever have a meal in the crock pot cooking all day that makes your house smell amazing? Or maybe you have had one that makes your house stink for days.  I have had both, but more recently we tried a crockpot curry meal where I couldn't get the stink out of my kitchen for what seemed liked forever.  No matter what, the crockpot either makes a home smell delicious or smell disgusting.

Crock pots are awesome for their convenience and for the little amount of power they use.  This was a perfect combination for what I thought would be the perfect air freshener cooker.

I simply combine delicious ingredients, including wonderful essential oils, in my crockpot and my home begins to smell amazing in no time at all.  As the water cooks away I simply add a little more to it.  Sometimes I leave it covered, but I also take the lid off from time to time to release even more of the wonderful fragrance.  Plus the ingredients are all natural which is a huge plus to me!

Here are 6 recipes that I have concocted and am so very happy to share with you.  I have even named the smells... get excited!


Get all recipes in your inbox with our FREE eBook "Natural Air Fresheners - Slow Cooker Edition"! 


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  1. This is a great idea! I have a mini crock pot--I'm going to see if that will work.

    1. thanks! hope it works as well as for you as it did for me!

  2. If you have a wood burning stove use the crock for air freshner on the wood stove top.

  3. These are great ideas! I think I have an excuse now to buy a "dipping crock pot" to use strictly for this!

    I'd like to invite you over to our link up party so you can share this idea with many others!

  4. Ingredients
    whole cloves
    2 oranges sliced (I stuck the cloves in the oranges peel and sprinkled some in the pot as well)
    The peels from one apple
    4-5 cinnamon sticks
    About 2 t vanilla
    Hello, thank you for your idea, I would like how to prepare the lotion.


  5. Ingredients
    whole cloves
    2 oranges sliced (I stuck the cloves in the oranges peel and sprinkled some in the pot as well)
    The peels from one apple
    4-5 cinnamon sticks
    About 2 t vanilla
    Thank you for your idea, I would like to know how to prepare the lotion

  6. would a small put on the stove on simmer work? if you dont have a crock pot that is

  7. if a person did not have a crock pot of any kind, would a small pot, on the stove, on simmer work as well?

  8. These sound awesome. I'd like to do this instead of spending a fortune on BBW Candles. I think this option would last much longer too.
